Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peacock Alum Saves Baby Ocelot

I carried her from the forest in my Peacock bag. 
Today's blog is written by Dano Grayson, 2010 Alum - 
Photos by Dano Grayson

In Atalaya, Peru a mother Ocelot was killed and her kitten was left orphaned in the forest. I was asked to join two towns people in finding her if it wasn't too late. This kitten is less than two months old. It took us an hour before hearing her calling for her mother and finding her clinging to a tree. 

today was a bitter sweet day as my arms are covered in tiny scratches, but she will live. She will likely grow up in a domestic setting never to roam the rainforest as she should. My last full day in the rainforest was spent searching and hoping, but after feeding the little one at the "animal shelter" and promising to visit when I return later this year, I have to continue my trek from the Low Lying amazon up to the top of the Andes mountains. 

I am being funded here as a wildlife photographer for the Amazon Aid Foundation (

I have been in Peru since May 27, 2012 working in such remote places as a 20 hour boat ride up the Rio Manu into an area of the wilderness know as the untouchable zone

I was awarded Artist of the month for this month (june) for the Artist for the Amazon (

- Dano Grayson

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